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The Results

“I’ve been amazed at the wonderful support 7 Skills for the Future offers. The webinars are incredible – I can hardly believe I do not have to pay for them. And all the articles and resources are spot-on and really helpful. Thank you.”

Sophie Shygulla
SME, South Africa

Your personalised online course.

Optimism boosts your productivity, resilience and energy levels. Optimism promotes better general health and sleep quality, decision making and emotional wellbeing.

This course will teach you how to tap into your these skills and use them every day.

This module is one of 7 you can take and is based on my book 7 Skills for the Future and the experiential learning workshops we run all over the world with law firms, doctors and universities.

The biggest emotion in creation is the bridge to optimism.

Brian May

Below you’ll find a list of lessons, click Getting Started to get going!

The course will take you through the lessons in chronological order, you’re free to leave and return at any time and complete it at your own pace.